
设计ers are the brains behind the visuals and layouts of websites, magazines, logos and more. The 设计 degree program combines the study of art, communication, 设计, web development and technology as mediums for visual communication and personal artistic expression. 学生 graduate as 设计 leaders, having learned to inform, 指南, 澄清, promote and empower through visual form.

Who Is It For?

The 设计 major is recommended for those wishing to work in the 设计 professions.

Work with real clients gives valuable experience in problem-solving, application of 设计 principles, and allows students to become cultural catalysts and sought-after 设计 professionals.

What 关于 Jobs?

Computer-related jobs are expected to grow a whopping 60 percent in the near future. If you’re ready to develop your programming skills along with your artistry, you can set yourself up for a successful career in 设计.


How Can I Serve God?

Our church desperately needs 设计ers who are skilled in visual communication. Our program will prepare you for just such a work. Many of our graduates go on to work for the church, or for non-profit organizations, using their talents to further the spread of the gospel to every corner of the earth.

Degree Options


Graphic 设计 论坛

The 设计 major is recommended for those wishing to work in the 设计 professions. The degree program combines the study of art, communication, 设计, web development and technology as mediums for visual communication and/or personal artistic expression. 学生 join the 设计 program because they possess the ability to think, 说话, 画, write and 设计. 学生 graduate as 设计 leaders, having learned to inform, 指南, 澄清, promote and empower through visual form. The Senior Project and Senior Exhibition, as well as internships, bring students face-to-face with the 设计 community. At the same time, students acquire valuable experience in problem solving and the application of 设计 principles, making them cultural catalysts and sought-after 设计 professionals.

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Graphic 设计 BS

The Bachelor of Science in Graphic 设计 allows students to supplement their 设计 education with business, marketing, and communication classes that will give them a more entrepreneurial background. The program requires students to self-brand themselves and create a personal brand, estimate and quote materials, acquire business and marketing knowledge, develop a portfolio, create invoice and quote sheets, learn how to price themselvs in the market and how to interact with clients.

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Graphic 设计 小

Recommended for students interested in communication, marketing, architecture, photography, and technology.

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Student Work