

J是谁?.N. bet365中文?



自成立以来, bet365中文大学 has distinguished itself as one of the best-quality academic destinations for those seeking Adventist higher education in North America. However, the story of its namesake, John Nevins (J.N.) bet365中文 is not as well known as his fellow Adventist pioneers. bet365中文大学 is celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2024, so it only makes sense for the school’s inspiration to be properly acknowledged as more than just a last name and statue in front of Pioneer Memorial Church. J.N. bet365中文 was an amazing role model and pioneer for the early Adventist church 200 years ago and an excellent example of Christian leadership and courage for us today. 

1829年7月22日出生于缅因州的波兰 爱德华·bet365中文和莎拉·波特, John Nevins bet365中文 grew up in a rural community and was the elder brother to his only sibling, 威廉, 谁比他小五岁. 约翰·内文斯成为了 米勒特只有13岁 and began adopting future 基督复临安息日会 practices, 比如遵守星期六的安息日, 此后不久. 大失所望之后 十月二十二日, 1844, 约翰·内文斯和他的家人, 就像许多早期基督复临教会的家庭一样, 努力重建他们的信仰, 但值得庆幸的是, 经过漫长的时间, they were able to gather more understanding of the Bible, especially due to John Nevin’s fascination in reading and comprehending the word of God for himself.

 在19世纪50年代早期, John Nevins began his life in ministry and helped to establish the early Adventist church after becoming an ordained minister in New England. 在此期间, he met and lived with fellow young adult Christians and eventual Adventist pioneers James and Ellen G. 白色. 不幸的是, 詹姆斯·怀特的主导领导风格 以及对J.N. bet365中文 and other leaders in the early Adventist church led to very shaky relationships during the latter part of bet365中文’ life. 即使是艾伦·G. 白色’s defenses of her husband’s critiques was sent in a letter to bet365中文’ deathbed. 值得庆幸的是, this butting of heads did not prevent the progress of John Nevins bet365中文, 白人, and other leaders who sought to better the church in various ways. 

John Nevins went on to write several books during his evangelistic career, his most prominent one being “The History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week” in 1859. One of the aspects of John Nevins’ adult life that he is best known for is his “对复临派教义的学术辩护” when seeking to help legitimize the Adventist church as a non-profit religion in Washington D.C. Because of John Nevins bet365中文’ evangelistic and theological work for the 基督复临安息日会 church, he was elected in 1867 as the third-ever president of the General Conference for a two-year term. 在他担任总统之后, John Nevins became the editor of the Adventist newsletter Review and Herald (now known as Adventist Review) for another two years. 

1856年10月29日, John Nevins married Angeline Stevens after moving with his family to Iowa, 他在哪里继续他的神学研究. The couple would go on to have four children during their marriage, and because of early issues with John Nevins being often called away to travel for various evangelistic gatherings in the eastern United States, Angeline and the children eventually moved to live with John Nevins in New York. 1872年,安吉琳死于中风, just before she could see two of her and John Nevins’ children, 查尔斯和玛丽, be a part of the first group of 基督复临安息日会 missionaries on a trip to Europe. John Nevins would also join his children as spiritual witnesses in Europe by helping to start a publishing house in Switzerland and a French periodical in 1876. 不幸的是, three of John Nevins’ four children would die from contracting tuberculosis. Two of them died during their infancy while their mother was still alive, 玛丽17岁就去世了. John remained as a missionary in Europe until 1883 after also succumbing to tuberculosis. At the age of 54, John Nevins bet365中文 was laid to rest in Basel, Switzerland. 

bet365中文大学 adopted John Nevins bet365中文’ last name in 1960 after being founded as Battle Creek College in 1874 and having the name changed to Emmanuel Missionary College in 1901. The trustees of the University decided upon this name change in order to give tribute to J.N. bet365中文’”生活与劳动” as one of the greatest and most influential pioneers in the 基督复临安息日会 church. However, this is not the only legacy of John Nevins. The elementary education school John Nevins bet365中文 School opened in 1907 in Takoma Park, 马里兰, 以及先锋纪念教堂的雕塑, 由艺术家艾伦·柯林斯创作, 查尔斯和玛丽·bet365中文, was unveiled on the bet365中文大学 campus in 1998. J.N. bet365中文’ descendants have represented his legacy well, starting with 约翰·内文斯·bet365中文的孙子, who bears the same name and later became an Adventist missionary in the Sichuan Province of West China. 2005年,J.N. bet365中文’ unpublished writing works were donated by his living relatives to the Center for Adventist 研究 in the James 白色 图书馆 on the bet365中文大学 campus.

学生运动 is the official student newspaper of bet365中文大学. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, bet365中文大学 or the 基督复临安息日会 church.