
艺术 & 娱乐




38天4小时36分40秒. That is how far away summer break is from the time I am writing this article. 此时此刻, bet365中文大学 is overflowing with students anticipating (or running from) the summer jobs, 实习, 或者假期肯定会占用一些时间, 如果不是全部, 夏天. 啊,是的,年轻的成年人是最好的. 210天19小时36分50秒. 你能算出我写这封信的时间吗? Here’s a hint: that is how far away the first day of school is from this time. Oh reader, as much as I would love to see if you can figure it out, time is 本质上! So, let’s get a recap of 2023-2024 students’ favorite events 和 see if you can figure out what time I’m writing this message.

Starting off with none other than AUSA’s banquet: The Gallery. 的主题? 纽约时装周. 以“glambot”为特色,“音乐, 以及安德鲁自己学生的作品, 对于许多人来说,这是一个值得纪念的夜晚. “我真的很喜欢他们展示学生作品的方式,老阿基诺说, 全球研究与传播)说. “I also thought it was so cool that they had a caricature artist. I think they did a really good job planning this event.” 

接下来是夜市! 模仿真实的夜市, this event allowed students to walk through different booths that showcased various foods 和 games from clubs like AFIA, 教室, KASA, 和莎莎. “I liked the different clubs that partook in it because you got to try a little bit of everything in terms of activities 和 food from the different cultures the clubs were representing,Vivienne Lupu(大三)评论道, 社会工作). 最后, 这些俱乐部聚集在一起,创造了一个充满活力的, lively night that set the st和ards for events to come!

Let’s not forget the event that walked so that the rest of the events could run! The Nest, hosted by AUSA, had smoothie bowls, karaoke, 和 polaroids for the start of the semester. 安德斯·杰罗尼莫(大四, 生物化学和法语)分享, “气氛非常温暖, 天气和其他情况, 和 freeing with students coming together with food 和 音乐; what more could you want?” 

The AU Theatre Wing’s performance was a huge success amongst students, too. 作者:莫斯·哈特和乔治·S. 考夫曼, “You Can’t Take It With You” tells the story of two people from different backgrounds who attempt to bring their families together at one dinner party. “整个演出安排得很好,Christen Li(大三)说, 全球研究及人类学), 而我似乎无法反驳! With the support of those who helped make this play possible, they were able to bring themes of different perspectives 和 the importance of nonconformity to bet365中文大学.

还有人看了《bet365中文》吗? If you went to the Newmyer Classic Tournament here at bet365中文大学, you kind of got the Adventist version…but with high schools! 不同的学院聚集在一起做礼拜, 花时间在一起, 和, 最重要的是, 打篮球! Our very own 2023-2024 AUSA Vice President of the Interior, 鲁本Colón(大四, 会计), 他以前的高中说的, 森林湖学院, 在那里! “It was cool seeing a lot of familiar faces 和 family 和 friends that weekend,” he says. “The energy throughout the games created an exciting atmosphere, which I enjoyed. 你怎么能打败他呢?” 

今年,我们也有一些新的活动. Winterfest, 由非盟欧洲俱乐部主办, 用食物来庆祝欧洲文化, 音乐, 还有冰雕! Amelia Stefanescu(大三, English) gives her insight on the event: “I liked that it's a revival of an event. Most events at school happen in the first semester because it's warm, 所以我们没有很多冬季活动. I think it's a fun event to have during the spring semester 和 I'm looking forward to how they enhance it because I think it has a lot of potential for something to look forward to when it gets chilly.”

Although not an actual event, Andy’s Eats was a new cardinal favorite on campus. With a variety of food 和 beverages available by using your cafe account, students have a new food option that they can go to when they get the afternoon munchies. 科林·布朗(大二), psychology) talks about the food truck’s effect on the students: “It brings people together, 以正确的方式接受不同文化的食物, 而且不是从我们的口袋里掏出来的, 从技术上讲.” And don’t we all love spending money on the Jarritos without actually spending money? (它来自我们的咖啡馆账户,所以不算.) 

All these cultural 和 social events are fun, but what about our religious events? 阿什利·达鲁兹(大三), speech-language pathology) brings attention to another traditional Andrews event: Praise Pact. An event hosted by the BSCF club 和 featuring the Deliverance Mass Choir, 学生们聚在一起做我们最擅长的事情:表扬! 有敬拜音乐和学生参与, you can really feel the Lord working through such a small space but through a large audience. Different worship teams bring diversity, which is what we need to touch all student’s hearts.” 

An important piece to mention in this list of events is Black History Month. Of the many events that took place during the month of February, Afro-Latino Impact was one of the greatest hits among students. “I really liked Afro-Latino Impact because I got to participate in it 和 feel the love in the air, whether it was from people who were Afro-Latino or not.莫伊塞斯·雷耶斯·里瓦斯(大四学生)说, 数学和宗教), “It’s a worship moment I’ll remember because it incorporated highlighting my culture mixed with praising God 和 just giving Him all the glory.”

关于宗教事件的话题, Makarios 和 Genesis collaborated in their Sabbath event, “你好,我的家。,,翻译过来就是“回家去”.”“我被选来传话,德尼尔森·蒙罗伊(大一新生), 护理)说, “所以通过我, 神能够对他的子民说话.“还有他的个人证词, Denilzon gave a message of trusting in God 和 going back to Him when times get tough. I believe Denilzon’s message is a positive one to apply as we study for exams, 准备演讲, 和 finish any last-minute assignments at the end of the semester (Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this!)

作为学生,我们注重时间. 不管我们有多少, 我们要利用有限的时间做些什么, or how we have spent the time that we have already had. 在未来, 当我们回顾这一年, 对我们每个人来说,时间可能意味着不同的东西. 但当我们回顾过去时, maybe we can find hope from those memories to keep pushing forward, 不管我们还有多少时间! Speaking of time, did you figure out what time I'm writing this article?


学生运动 is the official student newspaper of bet365中文大学. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors 和 do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, bet365中文大学 or the 基督复临安息日会 church.