


bet365中文大学 Student Movement 工作人员

以下是我们写给学校的信:一封来自未来的总编, one from our 当前的 faculty advisor, 和 the final letter from our 当前的 editor-in-chief. 首先,我们将听到来自未来的Amelia Stefanescu,我们将以现在的Dr. 斯科特·蒙克利夫和克里斯·恩古吉. After are letters from the rest of the Student Movement 工作人员.

From the day I stepped foot on the bet365中文大学 campus, 我开始了一个改变的过程, 增长, 成熟, 和成熟. Andrews became the training ground for what was to come, providing a purgatorium of sorts nestled between childhood 和 adulthood, between childish dreams 和 aspirations 和 real, 原始的生活. 现在, as I enter into my fourth 和 final year at Andrews, I grow increasingly aware of how important these years are, 一直在, 并将在我们所有人的生活中, 过去的, 当前的, 未来的学生也一样. 它们的作用是武装我们,同时也是保护我们,推动我们前进,在我们跌倒时抓住我们. I’ve found myself most prone to wishing time would stop during these years, 主要是因为我知道离开bet365中文后的生活再也回不到我在这里时的样子了. 这, 反过来, has made me more grateful 和 more appreciative of these college years, 这是我认为应该尽早学会的,以免后悔. 作为学生和年轻人, our purpose should be in learning, 和 I don’t mean purely academic learning, 但是了解我们自己, 其他人, 和生活, 和 the 机构 we attend should make that learning its top priority. So my message to students is this: make the best out of these years, 尽你所能学习, 和 practice gratefulness because this period of your life is limited, 如果你有正确的心态和态度,你的生命没有一段时间是浪费的.



我在bet365中文大学的时候, 1988年秋季学期开始, there 一直在 plenty of changes: four presidents, splendid new buildings—The Andreasen Center for Wellness, 霍华德表演艺术中心, Buller Hall—和 many generations of amazing new students. 在我刚开始工作的时候,个人台式电脑还是个新生事物,我认识的人都没有笔记本电脑. 互联网和电子邮件仍然是未来几年的事情,没有人有手机. 当学生们早到上课时,当他们在大厅里混在一起时,他们会互相交谈. Lamson Hall was already middle-aged, Meier Hall和Burman Towers已经25-30岁了,而Damazo还没有出生. 但是没有, I did not arrive in a horse 和 buggy, we did not h和 pump buckets of water for bathing, 古德温教授和我并没有亲自捕捉到长毛象,它的骨架存放在自然历史博物馆里. Every generation has its day in the sun, 和 it is my hope that our precious, 多样化的, 国际学习型社区将继续培养和丰富其成员,带着知识走出贝里恩斯普林斯, 技能, 和 vision to help make this world a better place. May God continue to bless bet365中文大学.



bet365中文大学. 我的大学. 我在贝里恩斯普林斯长大,在bet365中文大学总能感受到一种归属感,一种家的感觉. But this university represents so much more to me than just a home. As an anchor, it pulls me 和 reminds me of where I’m from 和 where I am going. As sails, it empowers the sojourns of a thous和 miles. 对我来说, bet365中文大学 represents wings, 带着我飞得更远, far away to the far corners of our planet, bursting with cultures 和 languages I have yet to know. 每当我回来, 它包含了一个巢, 又快又真, a place to rest where there is safety 和 peace. 但是我的大学, 我的家, 不只是一个巢或锚,让我扎根,甚至是翅膀或帆,带我到上帝带领和指引的地方. 有时候,我的家是一堵墙. A beautiful, intricate, gentle wall, but a wall nonetheless. But what is a home without four walls? 

Flipping through the pages of my university’s history, 我了解到,每代人的砖和墙的内容都有点不同, 但总有墙. 保护人们的安全,保护他们免受大门外可怕的未知事物的伤害. The unknown, remaining so, can be no threat if it stays outside of our walls. These are the walls that have protected me here in my town, 在我的大学里, 几十年来,, 和 the walls that have remained steadfast for 150 years. 

As is tradition in the Student Movement, 作为今年的主编, I would like to leave you with a final message, “最后一句话”,可以说. As we celebrate the milestone God has granted us, I entreat us as a university community to reconsider some of our walls. What is a home without four walls? 但是,一个家.

——Chris Ngugi


进入大学时,我还是一个相当天真的高中女孩,以为自己能解决一切问题. Andrews quickly showed me that I was wrong – in mostly good ways. 我以为我很清楚自己的人生想要做什么,以及如何去实现它, 但过去的三年已经证明,上帝的时机是不寻常的,但却是完美的. 我建立了一生的友谊, been mentored by some great professors, 和 become involved in life-changing opportunities on campus, all of which have guided me closer to a sense of purpose. To those of you reading this: embrace change, 你身边的人, 和 the experiences life throws at you, 有好有坏. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, so long as you’re willing to learn from them. As I enter my last year of college, I look back 和 realize I never had to figure out everything on my own, 和, 事实上, doing life with 其他人 is much more meaningful.


我过去几年在bet365中文大学的学习是一段美妙的经历,我学习并运用新发现的知识,以一种充满惊奇的眼光看待生活. To all 当前的 和 future Andrews students, keep in mind that you are part of something great, 在过去的150年里,这所学校见证了几代人为它的殿堂增光添彩. Embrace the opportunities that Andrews brings your way, expose yourself to different cultures, 拓展, 尝试新事物, 结交好朋友. Work hard but also take time to share ridiculous moments with your friends, like speeding around the dorm in rolly chairs for study breaks, playing “Manhunt” in the science complex, 探索该地区, 自发的冒险. 最重要的是,找到能帮助你始终以神为中心的朋友. 会有困难的日子. 我有过许多艰难的时刻和精神崩溃,在此期间我感到迷茫和困惑, but the support system I built has helped me through every step of the way, 和 they can do that for you as well. 所以要安然度过低谷, 享受美好时光, 接受挑战, 和 take breaks when you need them. The college years can surpass your every expectation, 他们对待我的方式(到目前为止), but that can only happen if you throw yourself out there 和 get involved. 在一起, 这些经历会让你的大学经历变得物有所值,也会让你有能力改变世界!



My time at Andrews has been marked by a sense of nearly constant self-evolution. Experiencing life through my own perspective, 我经常没有一个参照系来比较和对比多年来我自己的各种迭代. With the end of my collegiate career looming close ahead, 然而, 我不得不承认自进入大学以来我的成长方式,以及非盟在我的自我发展中所扮演的角色. Here is a non-extensive list: At Andrews, I have begun to develop my own philosophical paradigm 和 experience the world through its lens; I have made friends that I will keep for the rest of my life; I have discovered the things that I am passionate about; I have encountered many individuals who have made a profound, positive impact on my life–including professors, 导师, 和 fellow students; 和 I 一直在 given the tools that will allow me to succeed in a career that I have truly fallen in love with. 尽管我在自我实现的道路上还有很长的路要走(大声喊出马斯洛), I am eternally grateful for the pieces of myself that Andrews has molded. For those continuing their journey at AU, I urge you to live as 完全 只要你能. Discover the things that make you feel alive 和 pursue them. 建立深厚而真诚的友谊. 是善良的. 把你的第一个和最好的都献给上帝. Learn as much 只要你能, 和 make the most of all that Andrews has to offer.

——Wambui Karanja


我今年就要毕业了, 尽管我觉得自己像一只被踢出悬崖顶上鸟巢的小鸟, 我也不敢相信,我的教授们为我人生的下一步做了那么多的准备. bet365中文大学的许多课程和对话改变了我现在的生活方式, 如果没有英语系的鼓励,我现在也不会以编辑的身份写作. 我在专业和写作方面获得的信心都要归功于他们在我整个本科期间给予我的大量支持和参与, 我真希望自己在第一次走进尼瑟尼学院的时候就知道这一点. I will never be able to thank them enough, 我想bet365中文大学的其他学生对自己选择的专业也会有同样的忠诚和喜爱. 虽然你可能没有那么幸运,能像我一样上那些神奇而独特的课, 我们都很幸运,在这里我们每天都能遇到其他学生和老师,他们以数百种不同的方式改变着我们的生活.

- Grace No


I don’t have much to say except enjoy college!

Learn new hobbies, find new sides of you, 和 build friendships. 


“Don’t waste your youth growing up.——巴勃罗·毕加索


学生运动 is the official student newspaper of bet365中文大学. 在《bet365中文》中发表的观点是作者的观点,并不一定反映编辑的观点, bet365中文大学 or the 基督复临安息日会 church.