校友、朋友 & 捐助者


我们可能从多个来源持有与您有关的信息. A significant proportion of the information we hold on alumni is that which you provide to us (for example, you may give us information by filling in forms on the University's website, 或通过电话与我们通信, 电子邮件或其他方式). 如果你是bet365中文大学的学生或学生, some of your personal data is transferred from your student record to the University’s alumni database.


  • 你的教育详情(e).g. 你的学院,你所修的课程,学习日期
  • 唯一的个人标识符和传记信息(如.g. 学号、出生日期)
  • Your contact details (and we update these whenever you let us know that they have changed)
  • 你与大学和学院互动的细节, 比如:你的俱乐部会员资格, 社会, 及校友团体
    • 你参加大学活动的情况
    • 与我们或我们的合作伙伴的其他联系方式(如下所列)
    • Details of benefits and services provided to you, including those set out at http://oa.usa-kj.com/alumni/
    • 你与其他校友或大学支持者的关系
  • 关于你的家庭的细节(e).g. 你的婚姻状况、伴侣或配偶的姓名)
  • 阁下为特定目的而提供的个人资料(例如.g. 残疾和饮食偏好的事件管理目的)
  • Your communication preferences, to help us provide tailored and relevant communications

我们也记录, 在适用情况下, 基于您提供给我们的信息, 在某些情况下, publicly available information and information from our partners (as listed below):

  • 与您和您的家人有关的财务信息,例如:
    • 你对学校的捐款记录
    • 你捐款的能力和意愿, including our assessment of your income and whether particular donations or funding appeals may be of interest to you
    • 你的慈善事业和其他捐赠, including donations to other organizations and other support that you provide (e.g. 义工角色详情)
  • 你的事业亮点和其他生活成就
  • Information about your areas of interest and extra-curricular activities

We augment the data we hold from the University with data from our partners (as listed below) and publicly available data.
We use targeted internet searches and may search websites (either directly or using search engines), where relevant in order to obtain and maintain the accuracy of the data listed above.  网站的例子如下:

  • Public sources for companies (in order to find personal data of those companies' employees, 等.):
    • 针对美国公司的商业相关资源(免费和订阅)
    • 美国证券交易委员会对美国公司的监管
    • 公司网站
  • Public sources for charities (in order to find personal data of those charities' employees, 受托人, 等.,并查阅有关捐款及支援的资料):
    • 美国非营利组织的互联网资源
  • 为个人提供的公共资源,例如:
    • 谁是谁
    • 房地产网站
    • 全国地址变更服务
    • LinkedIn
  • 新闻来源:
    • 本地和全国新闻来源


Your data is used by us for a number of interdependent purposes in support of alumni relations, 支持者沟通及筹款.  这些包括:

  • 向您发送出版物(e).g. 校友杂志及大学最新资讯)
  • 进行调查, including research on when and whether particular donations or funding appeals may be of interest to you
  • Providing services, including access to University facilities and alumni email accounts
  • 向您发送量身定制的提案,呼吁和捐款请求
  • 给你发送志愿者机会的详细信息
  • 邀请你参加校友和其他大学活动
  • The promotion of other opportunities and services available to you (e.g. offers and opportunities available through the University's network of 校友 Groups)
  • Wealth analysis and research in order to improve our understanding of our alumni and supporters, inform our fundraising strategy and target our communications more effectively
  • Internal record keeping, including the management of any feedback or complaints
  • 行政目的(e).g. in order to process a donation you have made or to administer an event you have registered for or attended)

与您的通信可能以邮寄方式发送, 电话或电子方式(主要是电子邮件), 取决于我们的联系方式, 你所提供的同意, and the preferences expressed by you about the types of communications you wish to receive.

如果您对这些目的有任何疑虑或疑问, 或者我们如何与你沟通, 请使用以下详细信息与我们联系.

We may use automated or manual analyses to link data together to help us identify your potential for supporting the University, 为您提供更好的体验, 向您发送相关和及时的信息, to identify volunteering opportunities or opportunities for providing support which may be of interest to you, and to avoid approaching you with opportunities which are not of interest. 所有这些都使我们能够筹集到更多的资金, 早, 成本效益更高, in support of the University’s strategic research and teaching objectives. We always seek to ensure that any opportunities we present are aligned with your interests, 根据我们所做的研究.

We will always respect a request by you to stop processing your personal data, 此外,您的法定权利如下所示.

We work closely with University Schools and Colleges to provide our shared alumni and supporters with a coordinated approach.   Transmission of data to Schools or Colleges is managed through agreed processes which comply with relevant data protection legislation. 
Additionally, we share data on a considered and confidential basis, where appropriate, with:

  • Affiliated organizations and individuals which support and provide services to alumni and supporters, 如:
    • 我们帮助管理您参加的活动的校友团体
    • 与我们密切相关的志愿者伙伴(e.g. development and advisory board members  and volunteers supporting events that we organize)
  • Third parties engaged by the University to provide fundraising related services, 如:
    • 为我们提供校友和支持者数据的公司
    • 就个人捐赠能力向我们提供建议的顾问
    • Other contractors providing services to you on our behalf or services to us
  • Selected companies who provide University-branded or University-endorsed products and services


We ensure we have appropriate data sharing agreements in place before sharing your personal data.

We do not sell your personal data to third parties under any circumstances.

我们也促进个别校友之间的交流, but in doing so we do not release personal contact details without prior permission.


  • The 校友 Directory offers the ability for all alumni to suppress publication of their data on a field-by-field basis except for first name, 姓, bet365中文课程, 学位和学位年限.
  • bet365中文有几个亲密伙伴, 比如银行和保险公司, 谁会为bet365中文的学生和校友提供特别的促销活动.  These partners are carefully screened and we believe that they provide value to the Andrews community.  Your information is never sold or shared directly with these business partners, 因为所有来自他们的通信都是通过第三方完成的.
  • cookie用于增强访问者的体验.
  • Mobile Devices:  User’s activity inside all 校友 and Development apps are tracked and reported for internal analytical reporting as well as decision making.  This is completely anonymous and is never shared with third parties outside of bet365中文大学.
