比赛. 宗教. 反射. bet365中文大学: The Institutional Saga (1960-1980)

The founders of bet365中文大学 fought and preached to restore the value of all human life and challenged the pervading belief that there was a hierarchy of human value. bet365中文大学 was awarded an Institutional Saga grant from the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC): Network for Vocation in 本科 Education (NetVUE) to re-examine our commitment to balance our history, 身份, and heritage and allow minority voices to share their lived experiences. 这项拨款支持, 在某种程度上, our efforts to revise and update the 机构’s history, tracing the thread of 机构al vocation from its founding to the current time, and develop programs to broaden conversations to include 教员s, 管理员, and trustees about the 机构’s 身份 and purpose, with particular attention to incorporating the contemporary educational context into earlier works describing the founding mission. 

The 2024 社会意识峰会 entitled “比赛. 宗教. 反射. bet365中文大学: The Institutional Saga (1960–1980),” 发生在2月11日星期四. 29日和安息日,2024年3月2日. bet365中文大学 values our membership in the CIC and we appreciate the support made available to continue to aid us in retelling our 机构al saga.  The 社会意识峰会 shared the first of the enduring outcomes. 

Each of the sessions of the summit featured the screening of a video of alumni and employees telling their reflections on the time spent at Andrews during the years 1960–1980. Each video was followed by a panel discussion of experts that delved into the issues raised, celebrating our progress while exploring opportunities for growth as we continue to move forward in mission. The videos screened as part of this series include "阿尔文·基布尔的故事,“海维斯·威廉姆斯的故事。,和“BSCF校友故事”." The "沃尔特•道格拉斯 Story", which is part of the series, was screened at a prior event. 

The 社会意识峰会 is an annual event at bet365中文大学 designed to focus our attention on important social issues that have special relevance to our students, 教师, 工作人员, 和社区. These events are designed to put a spotlight on current social ills and provide opportunities to advance awareness, 促进智慧对话, 并鼓动变革. Click the headers below to watch the stories. 






沃尔特•道格拉斯, the first black 教员 of the Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary, reflects on his life as a student, 教员, 导师, and advocate at bet365中文大学. 在神学院的时候, Douglas served as professor of Church History and Missions and also chaired the Department of Church History from 1994–2002. 在那段时间里. Douglas also served as the first chief diversity officer for bet365中文大学 and established the University’s Diversity Council. 








Dr. Hyveth威廉姆斯, the first black female pastor and the first female senior pastor in the 基督复临安息日会 denomination, tells of her call to ministry and the many ways God reveals Himself despite the challenges she faced within the church's 机构s because she is a woman. Williams holds the distinction of being the first non-Episcopalian to receive the prestigious Fellowship from the Episcopal College of Preachers, 国家大教堂, 华盛顿, D.C. 









Five Black alumni of Andrews from the late 1960s to the early 1970s who were part of the first years of one of Andrews’ largest and most active student groups, the Black Student Christian Forum (BSCF), share that although Andrews was a Christian college, located in a rural community away from the major events, 抗议活动, and riots that occurred during the Civil Rights Movement, they experienced “机构al racism” on campus, which motivated their social action. 








阿尔文·莫里斯·基布尔, former vice president for the North American Division of the 基督复临安息日会 Church attended the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary from 1967 to 1969, 他说他, “enjoyed learning from his professors.” Kibble served in ministry for more than 50 years. A seasoned pastor and administrator, 吊桶的倒影, while optimistic about the progress at Andrews, included several deeply moving stories. Kibble passed to his rest on Friday evening, Aug. 11, 2023.
