


标题: 心理学教授
办公地点: 布勒大厅220
电子邮件: helmh@usa-kj.com
电话: (269) 471-3157


  • Ph.D. Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi (1985)
  • M.A.T. Physical 教育 with Teacher Certification, bet365中文大学 (1980)
  • M.A. 教育 & Developmental Psychology, bet365中文大学 (1980)
  • B.A. Religion, bet365中文大学 (1978)
  • B.S. Physical 教育, bet365中文大学 (1978)


Dr. Helm joined the 行为科学 教师 in 1992. He brings with him considerable expertise in the areas of counseling and assessment. Dr. Helm also worked as a therapist for a community mental health center and in the bet365中文大学 咨询 and 测试中心.

Dr. Helm has published in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 教育 Psychological Measurement, 心理报告. He has presented at the American Psychological Association, American Sociological Association, and American Public Health Association.

Current 研究 or Professional Activities


  • 贡献: Many Voices: An Introduction to 社会 Issues. (2006) bet365中文大学 Press


  • 即,一个.舵,H. W. Jr.麦克布莱德,D.霍普金斯,G., & 史蒂文斯J. V. Jr. (2010). Internet Pornography use in the context of external an internal religiosity. Journal of Psychology and Theology. 38(1), 32-40.
  • 舵,H. W. Jr.连战,L. M.麦克布莱德,D.C., & 钟,B. (2009) Comparison of alcohol, and other drug use trends between prohibitionist university and national data sets. Journal of 研究 on Christian 教育. 18(2), 190-205.
  • 舵,H. W. Jr.连战,L. M., D. C.诺克斯,D., & Zusman, M. (2009). The influence of a conservative religion on premarital sexual behavior of university students. North American Journal of Psychology. 11(2), 231-245.
  • 觉得,我. N.麦克布莱德,D. C., 舵,H. W. Jr. (2008). Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use within a religious affiliated university. Journal of Drug Issues, 38(3), 799-820.
  • Amador J.查尔斯·T.,泰特,J., & 舵,H. W. Jr. (2005). Sex and generational differences in desired characteristics in mate selection. 心理上的报告. 96, 19-25.
  • 弗雷,M. C.麦克布莱德,D.霍普金斯,G.巴比吉安,T.理查森,L。., 舵,H.博沃德,M.D.霍普·马斯卡克,H. & 部门保健事务. (2005). The process of research in international settings: From risk assessment to program development and intervention. Journal of Urban Health, 82(3), iv9-iv15.
  • 萨比J., & 舵,H. W. Jr. (2004). 召回愤怒增加了吗?? North American Journal of Psychology, 6(3), 405-414.
  • 霍普金斯,克. L.弗莱尔,M. C.,芭比娃娃,T., 舵,H. W. Jr.麦克布莱德,D. C.博沃德,M.吉莱斯皮,S.迪克莱门特,R. (2004). Substance Use Among students Attenting a Christian University that Strictly Prohibits the use of Substances. Journal of 研究 on Christian 教育, 13(1), 23-39.
  • 舵,H. W. Jr. (2003). Factor Structure of the Beck depression Inventory in a University Sample. 心理上的报告, 92,53-61.
  • 舵,H. W. Jr.博沃德,M. A.麦克布莱德,D. C., & 德尔·里翁,R. I. (2002). Depression, drug use, and gender differences among students at a religious university. North American Journal of Psychology, 4(2), 183-198.
  • 帕兹N. L. & 舵,H. W. Jr., (2001) Catagories of Sucess endorsed among religiously identified 基督复临安息日会 学生. 田园心理学, 50, (1), 25-37.
  • 弗雷,M.C.麦克布莱德,D.霍普金斯,G.巴比吉安,T.理查森,L。., & 舵,H. (2005) The process of research in international settings: From risk assessment to program development and intervention. Journal of Urban Health, 82 (3), iv 9-iv15.
  • 麦克布莱德,D.C.弗莱尔,M.C.霍普金斯,G.L.巴比金,T.理查森,L。., 舵,H.博沃德,M. D.霍普·马斯卡克,H. & 部门保健事务. (2005) Quality of parent-child relationship and adolescent HIV risk behavior in St. Maarten, AIDS Care, 17, S45-S54.
  • 舵,H. W. Jr.库克,J.R. & Berecz J. M. (2005) The implications of conjunctive and disjunctive forgiveness for sexual abuse. 田园心理学. 54(1), 23-34


  • 舵,H. W. Jr., & 贝利K. G. D. "Eye tracking and Art: A case study of integrating innovations in 研究 in teh 本科 classroom." Affiliated Meeting of the Society for Teaching Psuchology, at MPA's Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting Midwestern Psychological Association, 芝加哥, IL, 2012.
  • 舵,H. W. Jr. & 贝利,K. G. D. "学生' Perceptions of the Usefulness of a Professional Conference." Poster presented at the 34th Annual Conference of the National Institute on Teaching Psychology, St. 佛罗里达州皮特海滩,2012年.
  • 克,. (赫伯特W. 小舵角.,教职员赞助人). Poverty: An Analysis of Attributions and Solutions. A poster presented at MPA's Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting (Psi Chi Poster Session), 芝加哥, 五月, 2012.
  • 卡特林,我.麦克布莱德,D. C., 舵,H. W.贝利,R。. N., & 贝利,K. G. D. Multiple Comorbidities of alcohol and drug use. Poster presented at the 136th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Assiciation, 圣地亚哥, CA, 2008.
  • Giem J. N.麦克布莱德,D. C., 舵,H. W. Jr.吉莱斯皮,S. A.,“亲密关系重要吗?? The attenuating influence of need for adult approval on the relationship between perception of and self-reported subsatance use." APHA 134th Annual Meeting, Boston, Nov. 2006.
  • 天天p、D.威廉姆斯,A., 舵,H.库克,J.沃顿,D., & 土耳其人,R. "Attending the MPA Convention from a Student and Teacher's Perspective." A symposium presented at MPA's Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting (Council of Teachers of 本科 Psychology), 芝加哥, 五月, 2005.
  • 威廉姆斯,.,吉姆,J., & 土耳其人,R. (赫伯特W. 小舵角.,教职员赞助人) Gender Differences in Self-Disclosure through Various Communication Mediums. A poster presented at MPA's Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting (Psi Chi Poster Session), 芝加哥, 五月, 2005.

Professional Consultations

  • Guilt and shame in Japan: Data provided by the Thematic Apperception Test in experimental settings. For the North American Journal of Psychology (August, 2005).
  • Food intake among African American girls: A qualitative analysis. For the North American Journal of Psychology (September, 2005).
  • Color and personality: Strong's Interest Inventory and Cattell's 16PF. For the North American Journal of Psychology (December, 2005).