

媒介 细节 你能做什么 小字
•诗歌不超过250字, but no more than 3 poems by 1 poet or 5 poems by different poets from an anthology
•  Excerpt of 250 words from a poem greater than 250 words, but no more than 3 excerpts by a poet or 5 excerpts by different poets from a single anthology
•  Articles, stories, or essays less than 2,500 words
•节选自较长的作品(占作品的10%或1%),000个单词, 以较少者为准(但至少500字)
•  One chart, picture, diagram, graph, cartoon or picture per book or per periodical issue
•  Two pages (max) from an illustrated work less than 2,500 words (like children’s books)
•  Teachers may make multiple copies for classroom use 和 incorporate into multimedia for teaching classes.
•  学生 may incorporate text into multimedia projects.
•  Copies may be made only from legally acquired originals.
•  Teachers may make copies in nine instances per class per term.
•  Usage must be "at the instance 和 inspiration of a single teacher," i.e.而不是来自地区的指令.
•  "Consumables," such as workbooks, may not be copied.
•  A work in which the existing format has become obsolete, e.g.这是一份存储在王家电脑上的文件
•  A librarian may make up to three copies "solely for the purpose of replacement of a copy that is 损坏的, 日益恶化的, 失去了, 或被盗." •副本必须包含版权信息.
•  Archiving rights are designed to allow libraries to share with other libraries one-of-a-kind 和 out-of-print books.
插图和照片 •照片
•单个作品可以作为整体使用, but no more than five images by a single artist or photographer may be used.
•  From a collection, not more than 15 images or 10 percent (取较小者) may be used.
•  Although older illustrations may be in the public domain 和 don't need permission to be used, 有时它们是版权收藏的一部分. Copyright ownership information is available at www.疯狂的.Gov或WWW.mpa.org.
数值数据集 •单元格条目
•高达10%的字段或单元格条目, 取较小者, from a copyrighted database or data table may be used.  
•  Teachers may use these materials in the classroom without restrictions of length, 百分比, 或者多用途.
•  Copies may be copied for archival purposes or to replace 失去了, 损坏的, 或被盗 copies.
The material must legitimately acquired (a legal copy).
•  Material must be used in a classroom or nonprofit environment "dedicated to face-to-face instruction".
•  The use should be instructional, not for entertainment or reward.
•  Copying OK only if replacements are unavailable at a fair price or in a viable format.
•百科全书(CD - ROM
•  学生 "may use portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works in their academic multimedia", defined as 10% or three minutes (取较小者) of "motion media". •  The material must be legitimately acquired (a legal copy, not bootleg or home recording).
•  Copyright works included in multimedia projects must give proper attribution to copyright holder.
• Up to 10% of a copyrighted musical composition may be reproduced, performed 和 displayed as part of a multimedia program produced by an educator or student for educational purposes.  •  A maximum of 30 seconds per musical composition may be used.
•  Multimedia program must have an educational purpose.
• Alterations should not change basic melody or fundamental character of the work.
计算机软件 •软件(购买)
•  Software may be installed on multiple machines, 和 distributed to users via a network.
•  Software may be installed at home 和 at school.
•  Libraries may make copies for archival use or to replace 失去了, 损坏的, 或被盗 copies if software is unavailable at a fair price or in a viable format.
•  The number of simultaneous users must not exceed the number of licenses; 和 the number of machines being used must never exceed the number licensed. A network license may be required f或者多用途rs.
•  Take aggressive action to monitor that copying is not taking place (unless for archival purposes).
互联网 •互联网连接
•  Sound files may be downloaded for use in projects (see portion restrictions above)
•  Resources from the Web may not be reposted onto the 互联网 without permission. However, links to legitimate resources can be posted.
•  Any resources you download must have been legitimately acquired by the Web site.
电视 •广播(e).g.,ABC,NBC, CBS, UPN, PBS, 疯狂的al television stations)
•电缆(e).g., cnn, mtv, hbo)
•录像带 made of broadcast 和 cable TV programs
•  Broadcasts or tapes made from broadcast may be used for instruction.
•  Cable channel programs may be used with permission. Many programs may be retained by teachers for years-- see Cable in the Classroom for details.
•  Schools are allowed to retain broadcast tapes for a minimum of 10 school days. (Enlightened rights holders, such as PBS's ReadingRainbow, allow for much more.)
•  Cable programs are technically not covered by the same guidelines as broadcast television.
胶片或胶片 •  16 mm. 电影
“Teachers may duplicate a single copy of a small portion…for teaching purposes.” •这些必须是你拥有的胶卷或胶片.










摘自《教室版权表 大厅戴维森 和 Copyright 和 合理使用 Guidelines for Teachers, S和hills Community College. Additional information in the table 和 the rest of this section is from 德克萨斯大学. 版权速成班. 教育媒体合理使用指南